Scientific Community
Neuroscience is the most prominent research area of the Göttingen Research Campus. Sensory Neuroscience is a novel and active focus brought forward by a recently grown community of molecular, cellular, systems and computational neuroscientists (link to sensory website). The building of the sensory research community has been advanced by the University of Göttingen and its School of Medicine with a total of six senior faculty appointments. Sensory Research in Göttingen is jointly pursued by scientists of the university (schools of Medicine, Biology and Physics) and the various non-university institutions (German Primate Center, Max-Planck-Institutes for experimental Medicine, for biophysical Chemistry as well as Dynamics and Self Organization). The sensory community runs the "Sensory Club", a dedicated forum for discussing new research findings made in Göttingen and a "Göttingen Sensory Lecture" series with distinguished speakers from outside
Göttingen. The interdisciplinary CRC 889 is jointly run forward by researchers of various university and non-university institutions in the spirit of the Göttingen Research Campus. A core is formed by groups of the School of Medicine (8) which closely interact with groups of the School of Biology (4), the German Primate Center (2) and of the MPIs for Biophysical Chemistry (2), Experimental Medicine (2) and Dynamics and Self-Organization (1). While some of these groups have already joined efforts in previous and current funded research consortia and documented successful collaboration by publications, other alliances have only been started through this CRC initiative. The CRC 889 research program builds on the infrastructure established by previous and current funding by the excellence initiative, DFG, BMBF, Max-Planck-Society and State of Lower Saxony. For the most
relevant infrastructural resources we name the imaging facilities, the proteomics and transcriptomics facilities, the animal facilities (including the Primate Center and the transgene facility at the MPIem) as well as major
computational resources at the university and non-university institutions.
Training in sensory research is of great importance to us and is organized in dedicated PhD programs, working under the roof of the Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences
- "GGNB"
- "Sensory and Motor Neuroscience"
- "Systems Neuroscience"
- "Theoretical and Computational Neurosiences"
- "MSc/PhD program Neuroscience"
- "Faculty of Biology"